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Time Keeper 1: El eco del destino

Iria G. Parente y Selene M. Pascual

Time Keeper 1: El eco del destino

Year: 2024
Editorial: Molino
Literary Category: children & ya
ISBN: 9788427240759
Format: Paperback with flaps
Pages: 480
Synopsis: Nathan Tabiz learned that lesson many years ago, just as he learned that the world beyond the walls of the Holy Kingdom of Daiva is dangerous and full of demons. He learned, too, that the power of time is coveted and pursued and that it is the duty of the celestials to protect it.

So when he inherited the Amulet, he knew never to use it. He has sworn all his life that he won’t: he swore it when his mother left it in his hands, he has sworn it a thousand times to the god he serves, he has sworn it a thousand times to his friends. However, he has never told anyone all the times he has wanted to break his word:

When his mother died.

When he was appointed Bearer.

When he gave his first kiss.

Yes, Nathan Tabiz knows better than to use the Amulet.

What he doesn't know is that the person he's fallen in love with will die in three days.

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