Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency

authors - With over 30 years of experience, we represent 150 authors from different literary styles

La balada de los unicornios

Costas, Ledicia

Year: 2018
Editorial: ANAYA
Collection: Narrativa juvenil
Literary Category: fantasy
Language: Gallego
ISBN: 9788469847336
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 192
Synopsis: Set in nineteen century Victorian London and with an attractive steampunk esthetic, The Unicorns’ Ballad tells the story of Agatha McLeod, a young inventor who lives in The School of Artefacts and Trades. This institution provides shelter and training to the city’s most brilliant minds. Gifted kids live together in this peculiar school, unawares that Cornelia, its director, is in reality a black witch. Her ugly trade will put Leon’s life at risk, Agatha McLeod’s best friend, forcing the latter to undertake a journey fraught with danger to save his life.

The novel covers a broad spectrum of readers, captivating both a young-adult as well as an adult audience. With a frenzied pace, the story seizes us, plunging us into a magical universe, where fantasy is shaped chapter by chapter, absorbing the reader in a world riddled with elements that graze the extraordinary.


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