Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency

authors - With over 30 years of experience, we represent 150 authors from different literary styles

La niña gorda

Year: 2014
Editorial: Páginas de Espuma
Literary Category: tales
Language: Español, Catalán
ISBN: 9788483931585
Format: Paperback with flaps
Pages: 170
Synopsis: To lift a weight off one's shoulders. Perhaps that is living. Getting rid of wrappings, of peelings. Season oneself with aromas, flavors. To be oneself. A body. To be or have been a fat little girl.  A little fat girl slimmed. To stuff oneself with memories and food. To watch other people's lives from a window. Or to watch someone else's plate. And it's then that the course of stories pile up and straighten out, creating meanings and voids that we must contemplate. When the reader attends and feeds himself or herself on the voracious and exquisite literature of Mercedes Abad.  From a menu of short stories and a main character. Serve yourselves. They can be read at one's taste. Happy reading. 

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